Jun 30, 2021
Be an Informed Voter! Meet the FY22 Corn Board CandidatesAuthor: Cathryn Wojcicki
The National Corn Growers Association will elect farmer leaders to fill positions on the NCGA Corn Board during Corn Congress on Wednesday, July 14 in New Orleans, Louisiana. The NCGA Corn Board represents the organization on all matters while directing both policy and supervising day-to-day operations. Board members serve the organization in a variety of ways. They represent the federation of state organizations, supervise the affairs and activities of NCGA in partnership with the chief executive officer and implement NCGA policy established by the Corn Congress. Members also act as spokespeople for the NCGA and enhance the organization’s public standing on all organizational and policy issues. Meet the Candidates Randy DeSutter DeSutter operates a grain farm in its fourth generation along with his son Matthew, brother Jim and nephew Drew. Having operated continuously using no-till for nearly 30 years, they also use conservation practices such as filter strips,...
Read MoreJun 28, 2021
It’s Time to “Take Action” during PEST Week!Key Issues: Production
Author: Stacey Stiens
This year marks the fourth observation of PEST (Pest Elimination Strategy & Tactics) Week, which aims to boost awareness around the United Soybean Board’s (USB) Take Action program. Mid-season is a crucial time of year for pests, and the program website offers tools and resources to help combat resistance against weeds, diseases and insects.
Check out some of the following tools as you continue to plan and implement your management strategies for this season and beyond:
Fungicide Lookup Tool
Cover crops and weed control
Multiple modes of action for insect control
Managing Corn Rootworm
Herbicide Lookup Tool
Be sure to follow the Take Action program on Facebook and Twitter.
With the investment of state corn grower checkoff dollars, the National Corn Growers Association partners with USB to help bring these Take Action tools and resources to growers. To download the app on your tablet or mobile device, visit
Jun 25, 2021
Biofuels Coalition Disappointed in Supreme Court Decision to Overturn Tenth Circuit’s RFS Refinery Exemption RulingKey Issues: Ethanol
Author: Julie Busse
A coalition of renewable fuel and farm groups expressed “extreme disappointment” in today’s U.S. Supreme Court decision overturning a 2020 appellate court ruling that struck down three improper small refinery exemptions granted by previous EPA administrators. However, because certain elements of the appellate court ruling were left unchallenged and were not reviewed by the Supreme Court, the groups remain optimistic that the Biden administration will discontinue the past administration’s flagrant abuse of the refinery exemption program. Today’s decision stems from a May 2018 challenge brought against EPA in the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Tenth Circuit by the Renewable Fuels Association, the National Corn Growers Association, National Farmers Union, and the American Coalition for Ethanol, working together as the Biofuels Coalition. The petitioners argued that the small refinery exemptions were granted in direct contradiction to the statutory text and purpose of the...
Read MoreJun 24, 2021
Tik Tok – Savings on NCYC Entry Fees Ends SoonAuthor: Cathryn Wojcicki
You can save on entering the National Corn Yield Contest but not for much longer. The National Corn Growers Association reminds potential entrants to register early. Until June 30, 2021, the fee is $75 per entry. A small-time investment now saves money later this summer. To enter today using the online form click here. Entry will remain open at $110 per entry through August 18, 2021. The online harvest form will be available August 19. Harvest results must be submitted no later than two weeks after harvest or by November 30, 2021, whichever is the earlier date. Contest winners will be announced on December 15. For the 2021 Entry & Harvest Rule Book, along with information on changes this year and other resources, click here. Contact NCYC at 636-733-5512 or email ncyc@ncga.com with any questions.
Read MoreJun 23, 2021
Field to Market Recognizes Deb Gangwish in 2021 Farmer SpotlightKey Issues: Sustainability
Author: Stacey Stiens
The National Corn Growers Association (NCGA) is proud to announce that Nebraska farmer Deb Gangwish has been recognized as one of Field to Market’s 2021 Farmer Spotlight Honorees! Through the U.S. Corn Sustainability Goals and the first U.S. Corn Sustainability Report, NCGA works to support farmers like Deb to improve environmental outcomes and advance sustainable solutions across the value chain. Field to Market recognized Deb Gangwish on June 23 during its annual Plenary and General Assembly Meeting, recognizing her outstanding leadership in implementing innovative approaches to water conservation and soil health on her farm. “Our farm was started in 1994, and we began with no-till practices and cover crops. And as we’ve progressed and grown, our sustainability practices have grown along with the farm,” notes Deb. “Sustainability is the very heart and soul of everything we do.” NCGA is dedicated to engaging with farmers to advance continuous improvements in sustainable...
Read MoreJun 23, 2021
New NCGA-KCOE ISOM Report Explores Tax ProposalsKey Issues: Farm Policy
Author: Julie Busse
A new report commissioned by the National Corn Growers Association’s (NCGA) Risk Management & Transportation Action Team (RMTAT) with KCOE-Isom dives into potential changes in capital gains federal taxation and step-up in basis for corn farmers. “Having an understanding of the tax proposals, the potential impacts on farms, and what it would take for a change to be made legislatively is why RMTAT worked with KCOE Isom on this report,” said RMTAT Chair and South Dakota farmer Doug Noem. “We will continue to analyze and review the proposals from President Biden that if enacted would include a significant change from the historical treatment of income tax basis.” The report is broken into seven sections, including the impact on agriculture with case study examples, an explanation of the administration’s proposal, and a history of step up in basis. A key finding and explanation within the report states: “The recently-issued administrative revenue proposal outlines...
Read MoreJun 22, 2021
2022 Commodity Classic Schedule AnnouncedAuthor: Cathryn Wojcicki
Plans for the 2022 Commodity Classic are well underway as America’s largest farmer-led agricultural and educational experience returns to New Orleans March 10-12, 2022. The preliminary schedule for the 2022 Commodity Classic can be found online at commodityclassic.com/2022-schedule. The schedule highlights tentative dates and times for the dozens of educational sessions, presentations, and special events. “We’re excited for Commodity Classic to be back and in-person again in New Orleans,” said Gary Porter, a Missouri farmer and co-chair of the 2022 Commodity Classic. “New Orleans has historically been one of our most popular locations, so we anticipate a record number of attendees who will be eager to experience our host city, learn the latest farming technology, and gain strategies to improve their operation.” The location’s popularity is evident with a nearly sold-out tradeshow of agricultural exhibitors who plan to showcase innovative products and services in front...
Read MoreJun 22, 2021
Five Graduate Students Selected for NCGA’s Research Ambassador ProgramAuthor: Stacey Stiens
The National Corn Growers Association (NCGA) is pleased to announce that five Research Ambassadors have been selected for the 2021-2022 academic year: Claire Menard, University of Minnesota-Twin Cities Alden Perkins, University of Wisconsin-Madison Matthew J. Runyon, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Dylan L. Schoemaker, University of Wisconsin-Madison Corey Schultz, University of Georgia In its inaugural year, the program’s focus is to build a network of future leaders in the agricultural sector; ambassadors must demonstrate academic excellence, leadership potential and be involved in research relevant to corn production. “The Research Ambassador Program gives students the opportunity to interact directly with growers,” said NCGA Sustainable Ag Research Action Team Chair Randy DeSutter. “They will be able to participate in Capitol Hill visits and other meetings alongside our farmers to learn firsthand what we think and what is important...
Read MoreJun 21, 2021
NCGA Thanks Members of Congress for Calling on the Administration to Uphold the RFSKey Issues: Ethanol
Author: Julie Busse
Last week, agriculture and biofuels leaders in both the House and Senate stood up for the Renewable Fuel Standard (RFS) in a series of letters and on the Senate floor, advocating for the Biden Administration to set strong 2021 and 2022 RFS volumes and opposing options to waive or exempt refiners from the RFS. Senate and House Democrats sent a letter to EPA Administrator Michael Regan and National Economic Council Director Brain Deese on Wednesday saying, “As your Administration continues to push for meaningful and rapid climate action, biofuels can and should play an important role in decarbonizing vehicle emissions. Recent studies demonstrate that using ethanol in place of gasoline reduces greenhouse gas emissions by almost half, while biodiesel cuts greenhouse gas emissions by an average of 74 percent. Exempting refiners of their obligations to blend biofuel would mean increased reliance on oil and more carbon emissions – a result this country cannot afford if we are to...
Read MoreJun 21, 2021
Butterflies and Beetles and Bees, Oh My!Key Issues: Pollinators
Author: Stacey Stiens
Today is the official kickoff of Pollinator Week, which runs Monday, June 21 through Sunday, June 27 this year. Fourteen years ago, the U.S. Senate approved the designation of a “National Pollinator Week” to help bring to light the issue of declining pollinator populations. It has now grown into a worldwide celebration of all pollinators--bees, birds, butterflies, bats, beetles and small mammals, just to name a few! NCGA is proud to support pollinator health awareness through initiatives like the Bee and Butterfly Habitat Fund, the Honeybee Health Coalition and Farmers for Monarchs. These programs offer online tools, educational resources, and best management practices to help support pollinator habitats. By incorporating pollinator forage and creating a pollinator-friendly landscape in tandem with their crop lands, growers can protect soil health, improve water quality by controlling runoff and sediment, and capture carbon in the environment. The next step in a good...
Read MoreJun 18, 2021
NCGA Elects Haag to Corn Board LeadershipAuthor: Cathryn Wojcicki
The National Corn Growers Association’s Corn Board elected Tom Haag to become the organization’s first vice president for the next fiscal year, which begins October 1. Haag is a fourth-generation family farmer in south-central Minnesota. Along with his son, Nathan, he grows more than 1,700 acres of corn and soybeans. “The quality and character of the men and women who step forward, generously giving their time and energy, never ceases to amaze me. I am confident that Tom will continue in this tradition,” said NCGA President John Linder. “In his state-level service, through work on Action Teams and as a member of the Corn Board, he has demonstrated an unwavering dedication to working on behalf of all of his fellow farmers. As he steps into this new role, I look forward to the work, collaboration, and growth that will help further our mission under his leadership.” On the national level, Haag serves as the Corn Board liaison to the Market Development Action Team and as...
Read MoreJun 16, 2021
Industry Representatives Outline the Future of Ethanol at Farm Futures SummitKey Issues: Ethanol
Author: Julie Busse
Today, at the Farm Futures Business Summit in Iowa, both corn farmers and ethanol industry leaders shed light on the future of ethanol. The National Corn Growers Association (NCGA) sponsored the panel with Iowa corn farmer and NCGA Ethanol Action Team (ETHAT) member Kelly Nieuwenhuis, Renewable Fuels Association CEO Geoff Cooper, and Growth Energy Senior Vice President Mike Lorenz. RFA CEO Geoff Cooper kicked off the panel discussion, outlining the landscape of the industry, noting that ethanol is a renewable, high-octane, hydrogen-rich low-carbon molecule with an incredibly bright future. “We have a lot of room to grow in the world market,” Cooper stated. “Corn ethanol’s average reduction in greenhouse gas emissions compared to gasoline is 46%. No other fuel at the same scale can make that claim.” Growth Energy SVP of Market Development Mike Lorenz, who spent 20 years with Sheetz, discussed the expansion of higher blends of ethanol, like E15. “The future of ethanol is...
Read MoreJun 14, 2021
Corn Continues Helping Teachers Across the Country Sharpen Their STEM SkillsAuthor: Stacey Steins
The school year may be over, but that doesn’t mean that learning stops. Nourish the Future—a national education initiative developed by science teachers for science teachers—has a lineup of STEM workshops to help teachers and home-schooling parents to continue sharpening the saw this summer. Not only will workshop attendees receive guidance through the hands-on lessons from Nourish the Future leaders, but they will also discover how science issues are solved through agriculture, learn what ag education pathways are available for students, and continue to build a professional network of teachers and industry experts. “Nourish the Future helps shine the spotlight on agriculture and all it has to offer science education. These workshops help inspire cutting-edge STEM curricula and, in turn, inspire students to consider careers in ag,” said Director of Research and Productivity at the National Corn Growers Association, Robyn Allscheid. “This initiative encourages the...
Read MoreJun 11, 2021
Deadline for Cover Crop Insurance Premium Benefit Quickly ApproachingKey Issues: Farm Policy
Author: Julie Busse
In order to qualify for the new federal Pandemic Cover Crop Program (PCCP), the U.S. Department of Agriculture has set a deadline of June 15, 2021, for producers to file a Report of Acreage form (FSA-578) for cover crops with the Farm Service Agency (FSA). Eligible producers must have planted cover crops and purchased crop insurance during the 2021 crop year. The June 15, 2021 deadline is distinct from the normal acreage reporting date. The normal acreage reporting deadline with FSA has not changed, but to receive the premium benefit for cover crops, producers must file by June 15. To file the form, producers should contact their local USDA Service Center. The PCCP is part of USDA’s Pandemic Assistance for Producers initiative, a bundle of programs to bring financial assistance to farmers, ranchers and producers who felt the impact of COVID-19 market disruptions.
Read MoreJun 10, 2021
NCGA Statement: NCGA Expresses Disappointment in EPA’s Intent to Revise Definition of WOTUSKey Issues: Farm Policy
Author: Julie Busse
NCGA President John Linder made the following statement after the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) announced their Intent to Revise the Definition of Waters of the United States (WOTUS). “The National Corn Growers Association (NCGA) is disappointed in the EPA’s announcement of its intention to revise the Navigable Waters Protection Rule. The current rule provided long-overdue certainty and clarity for farmers about their obligations under the Clean Water Act. Clean water is important to America’s corn farmers, and we are committed to protecting our environment and the communities where we live and work. We are dedicated to protecting our water resources for future generations and will work with the EPA to implore that they recognize the efforts of agriculture and not return to an overly burdensome regulation.”
Read MoreJun 9, 2021
EP.21-Leading the Field in Sustainability, with Nebraska Corn Grower Brandon HunnicuttKey Issues: Sustainability
Author: Dusty Weis
NCGA charts a course on the future of U.S. corn sustainability for continued improvement, increased marketability and a better future. In today’s world, farmers face growing consumer expectations, a need for economic resilience and the very real pressures of global climate change. And they’re meeting these challenges head-on with science-driven practices that prove that sustainability is more than a buzzword in the agriculture industry. In this episode, Nebraska farmer and NCGA board member Brandon Hunnicutt outlines NCGA’s new sustainability goals, and the benefits he’s seen from thinking about the sustainability of his own operation. He shares his personal insights about smart farming advances, cover crop use, advanced irrigation management and other techniques that make his farm more sustainable, and how he’s saved money and improved yields as a result. Plus, Jon offers up the view from Washington, and why it’s important for growers to be perceived as part of the...
Read MoreJun 8, 2021
NCGA Releases U.S. Corn Sustainability Goals and ReportKey Issues: Sustainability
Author: Stacey Stiens
Today, the National Corn Growers Association (NCGA) solidified U.S. corn farmers’ commitment to environmental, economic and social sustainability with the release of U.S. Corn Sustainability Goals and the first U.S. Corn Sustainability Report. The report documents a long history of continuous improvement by U.S. corn farmers and the goals set targets for further progress over the next decade. “Corn farmers have demonstrated their commitment to sustainability for decades through their adoption of practices to defend against soil erosion, improve water quality and water use, and management of resources through modern farming advancements,” says John Linder, a farmer from Edison, Ohio, and NCGA President. “NCGA is celebrating this commitment and sharing our story through our Sustainability Report. By setting future goals, we’re both demonstrating our dedication to continued improvement and setting targets to measure this progress.” Farmer-leaders of NCGA are setting five...
Read MoreJun 3, 2021
Corn Growers Welcome Stepped-up Basis DefenseKey Issues: Farm Policy
Author: Neil Caskey
U.S. House Agriculture Committee Chairman David Scott (D-GA) sent a letter yesterday to President Biden expressing his concerns to proposed changes in tax policy that would eliminate the stepped-up basis provisions used by farmers. The letter resulted from a conversation Chairman Scott had with the Corn Board last month on taxes and other priorities. “We appreciate Chairman Scott’s leadership on preserving the stepped-up basis protections in the tax code for America’s corn farmers and stand ready to help him defend our farms and families from harmful taxation,” said NCGA President John Linder.
Read MoreJun 3, 2021
KCoe Isom Helps Corn Growers Decode Proposed Tax LegislationAuthor: Stacey Stiens
Last week, KCoe Isom, a food and agriculture consulting and accounting firm, hosted a Tax Reform Watch webinar for corn growers regarding News and Perspective on Tax Planning and Priorities. This webinar addressed questions farmers have surrounding legislative tax proposals and potential impacts on businesses. The discussion was led by KCoe Isom advisors Brian Kuehl, principal; Jim Rein, principal; and Beth Swanson, senior associate. The National Corn Growers Association (NCGA) Public Policy Director for Risk Management and Tax, Wayne Stoskopf, opened the webinar with some background remarks. “The National Corn Growers Association partnered with KCoe Isom during the 2017 tax reform, and we asked them to help growers fill in the gaps and answer some tough questions surrounding the release of President Biden’s American Families Plan,” said Stoskopf. NCGA recently joined 40 agricultural organizations in a letter to Congressional leaders outlining key tax priorities,...
Read MoreJun 2, 2021
Born for the Field Membership Drive is UnderwayAuthor: Neil Caskey
Last month, Major League Baseball (MLB) announced that the National Corn Growers Association is an official partner of MLB at Field of Dreams presented by GEICO. The game will be played at a newly constructed ballpark adjacent to the Field of Dreams movie site in Dyersville, Iowa on Thursday, August 12th and will be broadcast nationally on FOX. Want to go to the game? Join the corn growers by July 8, 2021, and you’ll be entered into a random drawing to win two tickets to see MLB at Field of Dreams presented by GEICO between the New York YankeesTM and the Chicago White SoxTM on August 12th, 2021 in Dyersville, Iowa. Click here for official contest rules. NO PURCHASE NECESSARY TO ENTER OR WIN. Void where prohibited. Restrictions apply; see NCGA.com for details. Sponsor: The National Corn Growers Association.
Read MoreJun 1, 2021
NCGA Launches New Uses 101 Materials: NCGA’s Role In Supporting Bio-Based Product Development through Innovation and PolicyKey Issues: New Uses
Author: Julie Busse
The National Corn Growers Association (NCGA) has launched a new series of one-pagers, diving into the importance of new uses for corn and why corn should be the commercial feedstock of choice. From renewable plastics to novel chemicals, corn is competitively positioned as the commercial feedstock of choice thanks to its sustainability, abundance, and affordability. “NCGA has a lot of great work going on in the new uses space, these materials will serve as a great introductory tool for individuals interested in learning more,” said NCGA Market Development Manager Michael Granché. “There are many frequently used terms, acronyms, and definitions that can make this space a little confusing at times if you don’t happen to have a Ph.D. in chemistry, and I certainly don’t, so these one-pagers will be a helpful resource for our industry.” New uses efforts are overseen by NCGA’s Market Development Action Team (MDAT). One of MDAT’s goals is to identify new and support existing...
Read MoreCorn Economy
NCGA's Lead Economist Krista Swanson's reports and articles can be found here.
Corn ethanol is critical for a sustainable, clean energy future.
A Commitment to the Future
For media inquiries contact Bryan Goodman, goodman@ncga.com