National Corn Grower's Association's
Sustainability Commitment

U.S. corn farmers are committed to continuous improvement in the production of corn, a versatile crop providing abundant high-quality food, feed, renewable energy, biobased products and ecosystem services. As stewards of the land, we understand the responsibility we have for creating a more environmentally and economically sustainable world for future generations with transparency and through continued advances and efficiencies in land, water and energy use.


NCGA's mission is to create and grow opportunities for corn growers. Part of that work is building meaningful relationships that help us better connect with and understand our consumers, policymakers, staff and grower leaders, all while owning and telling our own story and recognizing that corn is a viable global product.

Nationwide Sustainability Goals for 2030
U.S. corn farmers are committed to conservation and their role as stewards of the land. Through advances in science, technology and precision equipment, growers are focused more than ever on improving resiliency and efficiency. Building on past achievements, U.S. corn growers are committed to the following sustainability achievements by 2030:
Increase Land Use Efficiency By
Reduction Soil Erosion By
Increase Irrigation Water Use Efficiency By
Increase Energy Use Efficiency By
Reduce GHG Emissions By
A Corn Sustainability Story
Our Progress Since 1980
Corn farmers' commitment to the pillars of sustainability have paved the way for improvements in a number of key indicators over a span of several decades. Between 1980 and 2020, corn farmers have:
Improved Land Use Efficiency By
Reduced Soil Loss Per Acre By
Improved Irrigation Water Use Efficiency By
Improved Energy Use Efficiency By
Reduce GHG Emissions By
Source: Field to Market: The Alliance for Sustainable Agriculture, 2021. Environmental Outcomes from On-Farm Agricultural Production in the United States(Fourth Edition). ISBN: 978-0-578-33372-427ml
Driving Large-Scale Contributions to the U.S. Economy
Economic Sustainability
Agriculture, including the corn industry, plays a vital role in the U.S. economy and in supporting rural America through job creation, tax contributions and dollars spent. Corn not only supports jobs directly related to the production of corn, but also supports transportation, hospitality, pesticide and chemical manufacturing, real estate and more. As a whole, the U.S. agriculture and food sectors account for nearly one-fifth of the country’s economic activity, directly supporting 23 million jobs. For corn it starts with the rich soils and the more than 300,000 farmers producing corn across the United States, but the impact is felt far and wide. Corn’s economic footprint expands to the processing and feed mill industries, food manufacturing and grocers, industrial manufacturers and refining industries. While the jobs supported and economic contributions of agriculture are not tracked by individual commodity, corn does represent the largest generator of cash receipts out of all U.S. crops. Corn contributes significantly to the jobs, wages and taxes generated by the industry as a whole.
Food & Agriculture
Feeding the Economy
$990.75 Billion
$1.25 Trillion
Direct Output*
$3.82 Trillion
*Direct output does not include any economic activity that occurs upstream or downstream. It only includes what is happening in the direct food or ag industry.

Sources: The Feeding the Economy Food and Agriculture Industries Economic Study, 2024
We aim to improve soil health by encouraging farmers to expand their adoption of cover crops, to reach 30 million U.S. acres by 2030.
The U.S. Census of Agriculture currently estimates cover crops are used on only 6% of U.S. cropland.
Source: Census of Ag: Cover Crop Acres in U.S. Growing 8% Per Year. Cover Crop Strategies. April 16, 2019
Alignment with the United Nations’
NCGA's own sustainability goals are most closely aligned with the following UN SDGs. Visit our Pocket Guide to Sustainability page to learn more how our goals align with UN SDGs and targets.
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