Feb 27, 2023
Looking Forward to a Productive Year Ahead in the Nation’s CapitalAuthor: Kathy Reding Bergren
[Editor’s note: Brooke S. Appleton, NCGA’s vice president of public policy, is on maternity leave, and this month’s issue of Ears in Washington has been written by a guest columnist.] As the new Congress picks up the pace, NCGA staff are working on a number of issues in Washington, including the Mexican ban on genetically modified corn, reauthorization of the Farm Bill and biofuels policy, including the reintroduction of Next Generation Fuels Act. Here are some highlights of our work so far: Fighting Mexico’s GM Corn Ban. Mexican officials have issued a decree that would ban imports of biotech corn. That’s problematic for U.S. corn growers, as the majority of corn grown in the U.S. is biotech corn, and Mexico is one of our largest customers. Originally the ban was to take effect in early 2024, a little less than a year from now. But Mexican officials recently announced that biotech corn for human consumption would be banned immediately, while the ban on biotech corn used in...
Read MoreFeb 10, 2023
How Policymakers can Harness the Power of America’s Farms for a Cleaner and Affordable Energy FutureKey Issues: Ethanol
Author: The National Corn Growers Association
As the 118th Congress gets underway, advancing the nation’s long-term energy security while combatting climate change is a leading priority for policymakers. Renewable fuels, such as ethanol, are critical for a cleaner, affordable energy future, and there are several bipartisan steps Washington could take to further advance this immediate climate solution. Expanding access to ethanol is a win-win for consumers and the environment by supporting long-term relief at the pump and reducing emissions. Next Generation Fuels Act The Next Generation Fuels Act is a low-cost solution that would help diversify the nation’s fuel supply, improve vehicle engine efficiency, decarbonize transportation and give drivers affordable choices. This bipartisan legislation would establish a clean, high-octane standard for gasoline and require that sources of additional octane result in at least 40% fewer emissions, allowing automakers to significantly improve vehicle fuel efficiency, all while...
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