USMEF Releases Updated Value of Red Meat Export Numbers and the Impact on Corn Farmers

July 18, 2022

USMEF Releases Updated Value of Red Meat Export Numbers and the Impact on Corn Farmers

Jul 18, 2022

Key Issues:Animal Agriculture

Author: Julie Busse

The U.S. Meat Export Federation (USMEF) just recently updated its export numbers and the value to corn and soybean farmers. The study shows in 2021, beef and pork exports accounted for 537 million bushels of corn usage, which equals $2.94 billion (estimated using an average corn price of $5.48 bushel).


“The National Corn Growers Association (NCGA) works closely with USMEF and other domestic and export partners to help drive demand and bring value back to corn farmers,” said NCGA Market Development Action Team Chair and Colorado farmer Troy Schneider. “The animal ag industry is the largest user of U.S. corn, and it’s important to collaborate and partner with the industry to expand and grow these markets.”


Other key findings from the 2021 report include:


  • Beef and pork exports account for 3.4 million tons of distiller’s dried grains with solubles (DDGS)
  • Pork and beef exports contributed 12% of bushel value
  • The market value of beef and pork exports to U.S. DDGS equals $716 million

To see state-by-state metrics and an overview of the numbers, click here. To view an updated overview video with additional information, click here.