Take Action Program Offers Farmers Herbicide Resistance Management Tools

March 11, 2021

Take Action Program Offers Farmers Herbicide Resistance Management Tools

Mar 11, 2021

Key Issues:Production

Author: Nicole Hashheider

#Plant21 is just around the corner for many, and already in progress for some, and the excitement for a new start seems even more palpable this year after a trying 2020. While many are eager to get the planters rolling, setting your fields up for success, this year starts with strong weed control. NCGA supports the Take Action program to provide farmers with a variety of resources that make management planning easier before, during and after the growing season.


“Weed management has only grown in complexity in the past few years, and it will continue to do so,” says Gary Prescher, NCGA Production Technology Access Action team member and farmer from Delavan, Minn. “With so many considerations farmers must make each season it is important for NCGA to provide tools that make some of those decisions easier.”


One such tool is the popular Herbicide Classification chart, recently updated for 2021, which breaks down herbicides labeled for corn and soybean production by site of action. Understanding and rotating sites of action in your herbicide program is critical for preventing or managing the threat of herbicide resistance.


A recent webinar from the Take Action program featuring Travis Legleiter, Assistant Extension Professor of Weed Science Research and Education at the University of Kentucky, covers important considerations for selecting proper nozzles under a variety of conditions. Nozzle selection is important for the best possible coverage


You can also access a variety of important weed control resources on-the-go thanks to the Take Action mobile app.


Take Action is a farmer-focused information platform designed to help farmers and their advisors manage herbicide, fungicide and insect resistance. The goal is to encourage the adoption of management practices that lessen the impact of resistant pests and preserve current and future crop protection technology.